
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

mike's photoshoot

Some photos I took of Mike for the french fold.

type specimen mock up

Three spreads for my typeface specimen book. I didn't include a cover because I'm not sure what I want my cover to be yet. Decisions, decisions.

french fold sketches

Just some sketches of the layout for the french fold book.

Something I'm really interested in for this project is the concept of refinement through chaos. Simplicity found out of craziness. That's something that I noticed in what I wrote about Mike and from talking to Kelly. That's what my sketches are based on.

Monday, November 18, 2013

keynote - in progress

These are just images of the keynote we've created for our presentation of our design. This is in progress, lacking photos of the final piece in all respects - sketches, the front, side and back views, the model images.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


These are details about our (Alyx, Edith, Mercedes, and I) project, Ascension. It's our new concept.


The first draft of the words I would put in Mike's bio for our french fold book layout project.

I focus on the simple details.

There’s a refined simplicity about him. He’s clean and neat with his work, his clothing, himself. His self-described loner status adds to his self-described plainness and lack of extravagance. But like it was stated – this simplicity is refined. You can see his interest in fashion; the simplicity in his work describes the way he wants things to be: simple and clean. It’s a contrast to the connotation of his home town, New Orleans. The multiple-weekend-long-seven-stage-various-genre jazz festivals, the purple and gold and green Mardi Gras, the art scene that inspired him to become an artist, starting with graffiti, then photography and fashion. It lead to graphic design, where he could combine all of the things he loved into one field. It might not initally seem that New Orleans is his home town, but there are subtle clues – a slight southernness to his deep-almost-too-deep-to-hear voice, the drive he has to better himself; New Orleans kept him motivated to do better for himself. This is a picture. This is him. This is Mike Batiste.

If I’m going to do it, I’m gonna try to be the best at it. [Graphic Design] is my hobby. I’m always designing. My computer is always running.

The first line is a quote that would start the bio. The paragraph would read together, somewhere within the layout. The last is another quote that finishes the book.

specimen book updates

An update to my specimen book for Trade Gothic. Not done, but it's where I'm at.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

type specimen book

This is most of everything that we've worked on in terms of analog sketching and spread making and such.

My six analog spreads at 50% actual size. The top two and middle in the left column were the three I considered taking into the digital realm. 

These are three in progress spreads that I made from my analog sketches. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

environmental design concepting

Environmental Design Concepting

Click on those words above. It will take you to Mercedes' blog where our original proposals are documented.

We chose the Pillar proposal and worked on refining that concept. There will be 14 4-foot tall pillars representing the 13 majors and the Foundations program. A central 12-foot tall pillar, marked with an abstract letterform on top, is the central marker that each pillar moves outward from. We went in the route that the 13 majors and Foundations program are the roots and base of the Kansas City Art Institute and keep it alive.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Tucker Love Design

Here's the link to my Behance profile.

This is my profile bio.
I am currently a student in the Graphic Design program at the Kansas City Art Institute. I've lived my whole life in Kansas City and love the city and what it has to offer. One day I hope to be a high school teacher, teaching in the art and journalism areas.

location scouting

Photos of the location for our environmental design.