
Thursday, January 30, 2014

type2: research for P1

Print is dead: Print isn't dead. It's evolving.
I came up with this particular way of saying this after reading this article: I'm certain it's probably been said before, but I don't have anyone to attribute as actually saying this.

Importance/living with design: "Design makes our lives more efficient, informed, comfortable, productive, beautiful, enjoyable, sustainable... and possible."
This is pulled directly from this article on AIGAs website. It is speaking of the lack of focus on design in the K12 education curriculum.

Design education: Design can not be ignored. We must educate ourselves to know that design is a vital part of the human experience in so many ways.

Importance of design: The only important thing about design is how it relates to people. - Victor Papanek

Protip: Make sure you sleep. Sleep like your life depends on it.
This is something I've heard a lot of. Many of us don't get enough of it, to the point where we start to suffer because of it. It's said time and again that we need to sleep in order to actually work and create. It's true. Sometimes it just doesn't seem realistic.

Some others that probably aren't legitimate suggestions, but I found them fun/relevant to my current stance.

Ethernet is for the weak. Only the daring rely on shoddy wifi.
Not all designers wear black. Some of us are color fiends.
It's like I asked you for apples and you gave me ham. - Marty Maxwell Lane

LOVE/HATE - Kinetic Motion animation by Rick Thompson from Rick Thompson on Vimeo.

Conan O'Brien Kinetic Typography from Jacob Gilbreath on Vimeo.

Kid President Peptalk Kinetic Typography from Taylor English on Vimeo.

all videos are found on vimeo

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

topic picking

I chose community revitalization as my topic.  I did some pre-article reading brain storming, researched and read some articles, and then created a second list of words. As follows -

urban, racism, prejudices, wealth and poverty, low-income, poor, economic disasters, neighborhoods, neighbors, neighboring, fellowship, assumptions, health, broken families, schools and failing school systems, education, separation of race, class, and wealth, ghetto, projects, gangs, public health, food access and affordability, food deserts, social justice, money, funding, unity, youth, shelter and housing, homelessness, jobs and joblessness, sustainability

It's a lot of words.

Here are some sites that I used to read about different community related things happening both within Kansas City and in general, how revitalization might look. I'm really interested in how revitalization looks within existing communities and how, from a faith and religious stance, social justice calls people who can help, to help.

semiotics for the win

semiotics - uses signs and symbols individually and in sign systems to study communication. This also includes how we understand and construct meaning.

sign - something that stands for something else.

signifier - a sound or image referring to something else within a sign.

signified - a concept or object being referred to within a sign.

icon - sign category; this thing bears a physical resemblance to the object or concept being referred to.

index - sign category; there is a direct link between the sign and the object or concept that can be figured out by looking at it.

symbol - sign category; there is a connection between the sign and object or concept that is learned and agreed upon in society.

syntagm - signs that have a sequential order between each other, and can exist in various forms.

paradigm - accepted outline that units are apart of a common set, but each unit is inherently different from another unit.

code - a part of language; a culture decides on a specific set of signs to be used within society.

polysemy - the existence of multiple meanings for a single word or phrase.